Major is learning the retrieve, a la Michael Ellis and doing extremely well. Obedience and task at PCC is on target and he is appropriate with the other dogs. His stays in public need work, but I was told that he came back with loose stool last Monday, so it may have been a case of stomach upset that kept him from being able to settle. WPR used a new treat~a liquid with a roller ball. An ingenious new tool, but it does have milk products in it~sometimes that will cause stomach upset in dogs so use sparingly.
Rosella 1185 012811 Height 22"
Rosella went out with her new WPR last weekend, all went well. She was rushed by a small pack of wild children at a birthday party and had a fearful reaction, but she recovered nicely. Excellent with the WPRs 10 and 12 year olds and mostly respectful of the resident dog, a 3 year old female golden who thinks she is the queen of the world. She was good on field trips, attention and obedience good, but fearful of new things like the misters in the green section of the grocer. Again, she recovered nicely. She tends to bond strongly and quickly to her handler. I am hoping for less need for recovery time over the next few months and more looking to handler for any reassurance that she needs. She is also working on the retrieve, no mouthing, looks good. Her obedience at PCC is quite good for her age and activity level, and she tends to fix position on her own if she's in the wrong place~impressive.
Graham and the ferret
Graham 1187 021411 Height 21.5"
Graham is really doing well, no notable fear issues on a field trip to Tufts Vet School on Sunday~was very bold about saying hello to all manner of animals, some who were extremely large. His behavior is a little on the bold side at PCC, he tends to rush up and down outdoor stairs instead of step by step and has a nose to the ground when walking outdoors. Last week in class at PCC he was rather a disaster, two commands for everything, but in public looked good.
Welcome Maxwell!
He is learning housebreaking, how to walk on a leash, not biting hands, sit for resources. He is extremely bold, no fears of objects, surfaces, people, other dogs.