Rosella 1185 DOB 012811 Is beginning to become more confident with new situations. She's still really silly when I'm at training and that behavior has transferred to others at PCC, but on the whole, she's getting better and starting to be a single command dog. Task is good, obedience~still forges.
Graham 1187 DOB 021411 Graham is doing well with obedience and task, but has a difficult time with generalizing that to the outside world. He gets better each week and I's sure he'll be ready when he needs to be. Task and obedience are both excellent in facility.
Maxwell 1209 DOB 071411 Looks good, but handler needs to slow down with commands. He needs to practice stays~5 to 10 minute downs in different places. No fears noted, he is pushy, but hoping that he will start to be able to rein it in soon. In public he looks very good.