Sunday, May 27, 2012

Here's what we went over on Friday night~there are some sigificant changes so please read:

FACT: Dogs who cannot settle in a crate are much more difficult to place. SO:

All dogs will be crated overnight for the entire time that they are in your care. Even if they are ABLE to stay out of the crate, please crate them at night. This makes things so much easier for the dog and client when they leave you! When everything in thier life changes, they still have one place that they know is safe~their crate.

All dogs will have alone time daily~age will determine length of time. Alone time is just that~put the dog into the crate and leave the house~even if it's only for a short time. This is the only opportunity for them to be truly alone~the prison always has people moving about. Clients usually have a quiet lifestyle and dogs need to be able to adjust to that. If you have a dog who's having a difficult time with alone time I have many, many strategies to cope, please speak with me so I can help you.

GL will be used with permission from the trainer only. If you are asked to use the GL your dog is ready for it, so please use it all the time.

Dogs over one year are now required to attend one class or field trip per month, beginning immediately. I am feeling extremely out of touch with my older dogs and am unable to answer questions from the NEADS staff about them.

Rawhide chews are no longer acceptable for NEADS dogs. Am alternative might be the himilayan dog chews, available at Vet Med in Franklin.

Please make sure your dogs medical cards, your ID cards, and your online reporting are all up to date. Please carry the cards with you at all times when out with your dog.

Please remember to change your tone of voice when asking your dog to execute a command. SEE ATTACHED "Cue definitions" document. I hear nooooooo in a very happy singsong voice and think~"What must the dog think of that? He/She sounds so happy!"

How and when to transition from puppy to adolescent to adult dog training;

Under 5 months~puppy training~lots of food, high voice for almost every command, lots of work on attention in public, simple field trips, redirecting not correcting. Constant evaluating the dog for remaining in the program.

Over 5 months~less food, correction for refusing a command that the dog knows, continuing work on attention in public, more challenging field trips, continuing evaluation for the dog remaining in the program.

Over 12 months~field trips should be finishing up, dog should rarely have to be corrected for impulsive behaviors, work should begin on wearing the GL out in public. Depending on the dog, food can still be used to gain attention or as a reward for exceptional behavior, but should not be needed in most typical outings (stores, office, schools, etc.) for basic obedience. Think of an adult dog as your reward for putting up with adolescence. ;)

Testing on June 15 or 16 for dogs who have not passed CGC (over 6 months) and TDI (over 1 year).

Dog will likely be in training longer than your original commitment~labs should be returning to NEADS at about 18 months, other breeds 20-24 months. This is not written in stone, and some dogs do return earlier.