Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Training Notes, 080511

Odin 11103 101309  Odin spent two week in this time and was great in class, we were able to see siginificatnt improvement in obedience.  After class WPR took him home and he tried marking everything in her house and many, many things in public.  On the third day she took him to a concert at Indian Ranch and he behaved well.  She took him back that evening and while out for a bathroom break he noticed a chipmunk and bolted after it, leveling his handler and bolting into the woodline.  He did not recall when asked.  The local police department picked him up and he was returned without incident to PCC.  A determination has yet to be made on him. 

Major 1135 101710  The hot spot on Major's tail continues to improve.  He worked well in class, no issues.  He continues to be a little distracted in class, but is easily redirected by his handler. 
He will be neutered on 081811.

Rosella 1185 012811  Rosella attended a class at the state park near the water last Friday.  She is highly distractable (poeple, dogs, water) and WPR has a difficult time getting her back in line.  I worked her a bit and found that when corrected, she will come to heel and work well.  She needs a firmer hand and more guidance, she is no longer a puppy.  She will be spayed on 081911
Graham 1187 021411 Graham has a new WPR~Carol~who will be taking him out from now on.  I am concerned that he could not walk on a loose leash with his former WPRs, or give any sort of attention under distraction.  I am interested to see how he does with an experienced handler. 

All pups are going on an outing to Cape Cod on Wednesday, Aug 17.  We will be going on a two hour train ride followed by a one hour harbor cruise, then dinner and a walk on the beach after sunset.  Night time return.