Day 1
I took her to my home, a new environment for her. She was afraid of my dog, a 5 year old GSD who liked her and tried to get her to play several times. She was scared and then too submissive to play with him.
The screen door makes a loud screetching noise, she was afraid to go through the door initally, but did go through with encouragement. The wooden door also makes a noise, and she startled and bolted from that as well. I took her to Starbucks' with another dog and they did well, so we took both dogs out to a grocery store and stood at the entrance with the auto doors opening and closing and people going in and out and carriages being noisily removed from the stack. We had to stay for about 30 minutes before she was able to relax. By that time it was dark and she was spooked by the cars in the lot. In the car on the way home she cried because she couldn't get to me. Barked at last out, strange noises but nothing I was able to ID.
Day 2
We went for a 2 hour ride to the Cape, she was in my car with Rhody, who couldn't settle. At one point, he was being really rude and she put him in place. No bite, just a sharp bark. We went to the Hyannis bus station, on a 2 hour train ride, stood on the tarmac at CC Airport, and then went on a harbor cruise. The train whistle was extremely loud where we were on the train, but after the first few times she settled and even went to sleep at my feet. Bus was loud by if I had her attention she was fine. Lunch in the park. Airport, no prob. Tiny planes back and forth, busier than I had expected. She settled easily. Boat was a hoot, she played "Rose" from the Titanic movie, right at the front, no problems. While we were waiting for the boat ride to begin several little kids came over and asked to pet her~while they were petting, she back up and stepped away from them. We went to dinner in a nice place, the staff loved her. I gave her a pressed rawhide to chew while we were there and when the staff came to pet her she stopped chewing on it and held it in her mouth. Her body was rigid. When they left, she went right back to chewing happily. This is a huge concern and I will ask Chris to work on it.
Day 3
Accident in the house~after given the opportunity to go outdoors. Daycare visit, then back to be spayed and microchipped tomorrow.
Not enough night work~just being in the dark concerns her
She's afraid of traffic
She doesn't love kids
She doesn't love loud/sharp noises
She is potentially food aggressive
Her obedience positions are wrong, she's too far forward and she pulls on the leash.
Her stays are non-existant.
No auto sit.
She does not know to look to handler for support, or did not demonstrate it with me~we did start that and she picked up really fast, there were lots of potentially scary interactions on day 2.
BGN is difficult, would not go on anything but grass.
No recall, even on leash.
She's easy to have around, not demanding, nice house manners.
She's submissive with other dogs until they're very rude.
Her attention is good in public (mostly with food)